also see Google Scholar Profile
· Bergner, J., D.O. Wallin, S. Yang and J. Rybczyk. 2024.
Coupling Unoccupied Aerial System Surveys and Elevation Measurements to Map Native and Nonnative Eelgrass Cover in Padilla Bay Journal of Coastal Research
41(1):105-121. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-24-0014.1
· Oscarson, M.M., E.L. Landguth and D.O.
Wallin. 2024. Reconstructing
mountain goat history in the Olympic Mountains, USA Population Ecology
2024:1-13. DOI: 10.1002/1438-390X.12179
J. , D.O. Wallin, 2021. Using
discrete-point LiDAR to classify tree species in the riparian Pacific
Northwest, USA. Remote Sensing, 13(14) 2647;
A.D. , D.O. Wallin, J.A. Lund. 2018. Application
of a customizable sensor platform to detection of atmospheric gases by UAS. International
Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) Dallas, TX, USA, June 12-15,
M.J. , D.O. Wallin, R.A. Beausoleil, K.I. Warheit. 2016. Forest
cover mediates genetic connectivity of northwestern cougars. Conservation
Genetics (published online April 16, 2016) DOI: 10.1007/s10592-016-0840-7
L.C., D.O. Wallin, S.A. Cushman, B.H. McRae. 2015. Landscape-level
analysis of mountain goat population connectivity in Washington and southern
British Columbia. Conservation Genetics (published online June 2, 2015)
DOI: 10.1007/s10592-015-0732-2
A.G., C.C. Blair, E.O. Garton, C.G. Rice, J.S. Horne, J.L. Rachlow, D.O.
Wallin. 2014. The
Brownian bridge synoptic model of habitat selection and space use for animals
using GPS telemetry data. Ecological Modeling 273:242-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.11.008
T.N., S.A. Cushman, D.O. Wallin, J. Hayden. 2012. Multi Scale Habitat
Relationships of Martes americana in Northern Idaho, U.S.A. USDA Forest
Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Research Paper, RMRS-RP-94, May 2012.
A.G., D.O. Wallin, C.G. Rice and W-Y Chang. 2011. GPS
Bias Correction and Habitat Selection by Mountain Goats Remote Sensing
3:435-459; doi:10.3390/rs3030435
A.J., D.O. Wallin, S.A. Cushman, C.G. Rice and K.I. Warheit. 2010. Inferring
landscape effects on gene flow: a new model selection framework. Molecular
Ecology 19:3603-3619.
T.N., S.A. Cushman, M.K. Schwartz and D.O. Wallin. 2010. . Spatial
scaling and multi-model inference in landscape genetics: Martes americana
in northern Idaho. Landscape Ecology. Published online 29 August
2010. doi:10.1007/s10980-010-9525-7
T.A., A. Gray, M.E. Harmon, D.O. Wallin, W.B. Cohen. 2008. Estimating
live forest carbon dynamics with a Landsat-based curve-fitting approach. J.
of Applied Remote Sensing Vol. 2,023519 (9 May 2008) [DOI:
D.O., M.E. Harmon, W.B. Cohen (in press). Modeling regional-scale
carbon dynamics in Pacific Northwest forests: 1972-95 Pages xx-xx In:
O. Krankina and M.E. Harmon (eds.) Carbon Dynamics of Two Forest Regions:
Northwestern Russian and the Pacific Northwest. Springer-Verlag, New York
K.A., J.T. Hardy and D.O. Wallin. 2003. Coral reef habitat discrimination using
multivariate spectral analysis and satellite remote sensing. International
Journal of Remote Sensing 24(13):2627-2639.
W.H., D.O. Wallin, and N.H. Schumaker. 2002. An
analysis of late-seral forest connectivity in western Oregon. Conservation
Biology 16(5):1409-1421.
S.A. and D.O. Wallin. 2002. Separating
the effects of environmental, spatial and disturbance factors of forest
community structure in the Russian Far East. Forest Ecology and
Management 168(1-3):201-215.
D.L., and D.O. Wallin. 2001. Models of landscape change. Pages 35-48 In:
Gergel, S.E. and M.G. Turner (eds.). Learning landscape ecology: a practical
guide to concepts and techniques. Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN
S.A. and D.O. Wallin. 2000. Rates and patterns of landscape change in the
central Sikhote-alin Mountains, Russian far east. Landscape Ecology
J.H., D. O. Wallin and others. 1998. A landscape plan based on
historical fire regimes for a managed forest ecosystem: the Augusta Creek
study. USDA For. Ser. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW‑GTR‑422. Pacific Northwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR.
D., D.O. Wallin and Z. Hao. 1997. Use of remote sensing to
detect rates and patterns of landscape change in the Changbai Mountain area of
China and Korea: 1972-1988. Landscape Ecology 12(4): 241-254.
D.O., Harmon, M.E., Cohen, W.B., Fiorella, M. and Ferrell, W.K. 1996. Use
of remote sensing to model land use effects on carbon flux in forests of the
Pacific Northwest, USA. -- Pages 219-237 In: Gholz, H.L., Nakane, K. and
Shimoda, H. (eds). The use of remote sensing in the modeling of forest
productivity at scales from the stand to the globe. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 0-7923-4278-X
D.O., F.J. Swanson, B. Marks, J. Kertis and J. Cissel. 1996. Comparison of managed and pre-settlement
landscape dynamics in forests of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.. Forest
Ecology and Management 85:291- 310.
W.B., D.O. Wallin, M.E. Harmon and M. Fiorella. 1996. Estimated
carbon flux between 1972 and 1991 from forests of the pacific northwest region
of the United States. Bioscience 46(11):836- 844.
W.B., T.A. Spies, F.J. Swanson and D.O. Wallin. 1995. Land cover on the western
slopes of the central Oregon Cascade Range. International Journal of Remote
Sensing 16:595-596.
D.O., F.J. Swanson and B. Marks. 1994. Landscape pattern response to
changes in the pattern-generation rules: land-use legacies in forestry. Ecological
Applications 4(3):569-580.
W.B., P. Sollins, P. Homann, W.K. Ferrell, M.E. Harmon, D.O. Wallin, and M.
Fiorella. 1994. Using a GIS to model effects of land use on carbon storage in
the forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Pages 483 495 In:
Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales,
W.K. Mitchener, J.W. Brunt and S.G. Stafford, (eds.), Taylor and Francis,
Bristol, PA.
F.J., J.A. Jones, D.O. Wallin and J. Cissel. 1993. Natural variability:
Implications for ecosystem management. Pages 89-103 In: Jensen, M.E.
and Bourgeron, P.S. (eds.) Eastside forest ecosystem health assessment Volume
II: Ecosystem management: principles and applications. Portland, OR: U.S. Dept.
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
P., S. Bollens, J. Clark, M. J. Fortin, C.M. Jacobi, J. Pineda, D.O. Wallin and
Y. Wu. 1993. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of patchiness: a
marine terrestrial perspective. Pages 277-304 In: Patch Dynamics,
Volume 96: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, S. Levin, T. Powell, J. Steele
(eds.), Springer Verlag, New York.
W.B., D.O. Wallin, M.E. Harmon, P. Sollins, C. Daly, and W.K. Ferrell. 1992.
Modeling the effect of land use on carbon storage in the forests of the Pacific
Northwest. (invited paper) Pages 1023-1026 In: Proceedings of the
International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE Catalog #92CH3041
D.O., C.C.H. Elliott, H.H. Shugart, C.J. Tucker and F. Wilhelmi. 1992. Satellite remote sensing of
breeding habitat for an African weaver-bird. Landscape Ecology
D.L., A.J. Hansen, D.O. Wallin and P.J. Halpin. 1992. Life history attributes
and avian diversity: scaling implications for global change. (invited paper)
Pages 173-195 In: O.T. Solbrig, H.M. van Emden and P.G.W.J. van Oordt
(eds.). Biodiversity and Global Change, Monograph No. 8, International Union of
Biological Sciences, Paris, France.
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