Instructor: Dr. David Wallin; Office: ES 435; Phone: 650-7526; e-mail: wallin@cc.wwu.edu
Text: Forest Ecosystems: Analysis at Multiple Scales, by R.H. Waring and R.W. Running
Additional readings as assigned: on reserve in the Main library and in a folder in the Huxley College Library.
(Click here for list of readings on reserve)
Class Meeting: MWF 10:00, ES410; Lab Meeting T or W 1:00-5:00, ES318

Office Hours: MWF 11:00 - 12:00, M 2:00-3:00 (sign-up on office door) and by appointment.
Teaching Assistants:
Tuesday Lab: Ed Curtis, Office ES 307, Office hours: Tuesday, 9:00-11:00 & by appointment, email: curtise@cc.wwu.edu
Wednesday Lab: Kari Odden, Office ES 430, Office hours: Mon. & Wed 9:00-10:00 & by appointment; email: oddenk@cc.wwu.edu

Prerequisites: The course requires a background in ecology. All students must have completed BOTH ENVR 325 and 340 or Biol 325 and 340 or equivalent courses at another institution. If you have not had these prerequisites, you should NOT take this class.




Graduate Students

Mid-term Exam



Final Exam



Lab Reports: Click here for information about the lab



Class Participation



Term Paper/Project Click here for information about this project




Late Assignments: grades reduced by 5%/day if turned in late without a valid excuse (illness, family crisis, etc.)

Grading: A =93; A- 90-92; B+ 88-89; B 83-87; B- 80-82; C+ 78-79; C 73-77; C- 70-72; D+ 68-69; D 63-67 D- 60-62; F 0-59

The class will include three hours of lecture and four hours of lab per week. Some lecture and lab time may be used for discussion of assigned readings from the scientific literature.


Last Updated: 6/4/01

TENTATIVE Lecture Schedule



Week 1: 4/4 - 4/6

Introduction: Humans and the Forest (Click 4/6 lecture notes)
Forest Ecosystem Analysis at Multiple Time and Space Scales

Chapter 1, Vitousek et al. 1997, Noble et al. 1997

Week 2: 4/9 - 13

Section I: Introduction to Analysis of Seasonal Cycles
The Ecosystem Concept and Introduction to the Water Cycle (Click 4/13 lecture notes)

Chapter 1, 2

Week 3: 4/16 - 20

Water Cycle (continued) (Click 4/16 lecture notes)

Chapter 2

Week 4: 4/23 - 27

Carbon Cycle; (Click 4/25-- lecture notes)

Chapter 3

Week 5: 4/30 - 5/4

MID-TERM EXAM; Friday, May 4 ) (Click for sample of exam questions)


Week 6: 5/7 - 11

Mineral Cycle (Click 5/7-11-- lecture notes)

Chapter 4

Week 7: 5/14 - 18

Section II: Introduction to Temporal Scaling
Temporal Changes in Forest Structure and Function (Click 5/18-21-- lecture notes)

Chapter 5

Week 8: 5/21 - 25

Temporal Changes in Forest Structure and Function (continued) (Click 5/23-30-- lecture notes)


Week 9: 5/28 - 6/1

Susceptibility and Response of Forest to Disturbance (Click 6/1-6-- lecture notes)

Chapter 6

Week 10: 6/4 - 6/8

Susceptibility and Response of Forest to Disturbance


Finals Week: 6/11 - 15

Final Exam: Thursday, June 14, 10:30 - 12:30

 Last revised 4/3/01

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